Instructional Designer | Apple
I created a vision for and developed iOS app development curricula for novice and intermediate learners.
- Created four books teaching app development in Swift and UIKit for the Develop in Swift program
- Created Develop in Swift AP CS Principles, a comprehensive course endorsed by the College Board
- Created the App Design Workbook, a guide to the design thinking process
- Created the Develop in Swift Tutorials, online resources that teach SwiftUI app development
- Reviewed Swift certification exams developed by Certiport
In my role I researched approaches to implementation technology, pedagogy, and content; wrote, edited, and maintained both prose and code; collaborated on project strategy; supported marketing teams worldwide; and assisted in localization of content.
Founder | Playful Art, LLC
I created tapStory, an iPad app published in 2016 and featured on the front page of the App Store. tapStory augments picture books with creative play.
- Designed and built the app
- Wrote and illustrated the bundled story Pea and Carrot
- Collaborated with illustrators to create original stories, acting as designer, co-writer, editor, and publisher
Senior iOS Engineer | Turner Inc.
I led the development team for the CNN iOS app.
- Worked in a very large Objective-C codebase
- Created the CNN app for the launch of Apple Watch
iOS instructor and engineer | Big Nerd Ranch
I led weeklong intensive bootcamps teaching beginning and advanced iOS development. I also worked on multiple app projects for consulting clients.
- Taught iOS development to Fortune 100 clients and independent developers
- Contributed to iOS app projects
Middle School Technology Coordinator | The Lovett School
I taught programming and worked with teachers to integrate technology in their classrooms.
- Planned and oversaw the transition of the 6th through 8th grades to a 1:1 laptop environment
- Developed custom curricula in Java, Scratch, HTML, Logo, POV-Ray, LEGO Robotics, and Processing
- Taught AP Computer Science A
- Taught programming courses to middle school students
Volunteer Math Teacher | The Peace Corps
I lived in Guinea, West Africa and taught at a french-speaking middle school.
- Taught arithmetic, algebra, and geometry in 8th through 10th grade
- Developed an original curriculum and teaching system for individually tracking students
- Participated in the planning and implementation of yearly Girls’ Conferences
Earlier work
- Software Engineer, Partminer
- Software Engineer, Lucent Technologies
MS Computer Science, Michigan State University
BS Computer Science, Furman University